Passing of Laxmiben Ranchhodbhai Tailor

The passing of Laxmiben Ranchhodbhai Tailor of Ashton-under lyne

It is with a great sadness that we inform you of the passing away of Laxmiben
Ranchhodbhai Tailor on morning of Thursday 04/06/20 currently residing
Ashton-under Lyne born in Kenya 01/08/1933.she will be missed by all her close relatives.

Beswanu and Funeral
Due to the current government COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions, there will be no Beswanu or Shanti Prathna.

A private funeral will be held due to the strict restrictions set by the government.

Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti.

Our condolences to the Tailor family.