The Passing of Mrs Bhadravatiben Bulsara of Leicester

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mrs Bhadravatiben Bulsara of Leicester. She passed away peacefully on Friday, 31st January 2025 at the age of 86 years.

She leaves behind:
Her beloved late husband:  Mohanlal Dayaram Bulsara
Daughter: Kalpana Tailor and Son-in-law: Harish Tailor
Grandson: Neel Tailor

The family has respectfully requested there will be no beswanu at their family home and requested no flowers.

Shanti Prathna
Date:   Saturday, 8th February 2025
Time:  3pm – 5pm
Address:   Shree Darji Gnati Mandal, Vicarage Lane, Belgrave, Leicester LE4 5PD

Monetary donations will be accepted at the prathana and contributed to a cancer charity.

Funeral Arrangements
Date:  Monday, 10th February 2025
Time: 9am
At:      Great Glen Crematorium, 9 London Road, Leicester LE8 9DJ

Prashad will be served at 1pm
At: Shree Darji Gnati Mandal, Vicarage Lane, Belgrave, Leicester LE4 5PD


Aum Namah Shivaya
Aum Namah Shivaya
Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti