The passing of Mr Khandubhai Kalyanji Tailor
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr Khandubhai Kalyanji Tailor (Leicester)
Date of Death : 02-12-2024
Age : 89
Place of birth: Abrama, India
Address: leicester
Name of Spouse: Chandramani Tailor
Names of close family: Son and daughter in law: Nilesh and Shila Tailor
Daughter and son in law: Tanuja and Pravin Bhagat
Son and daughter in law: Paresh and Shilpa Tailor
Son and daughter in law: Dipak and Dharmishta Tailor
5 Grandchildren and 3 Great Grandchildren
Beswanu: The family has respectfully advised that there will be no beswanu at home.
Shanti Prathana Date: 7-12- 2024
Shanti Prathana Time: 14:30 to 16:30
Shanti Prathana Full Address: Shree Darji Gnati Mandal, Vicarage Lane, Belgrave, Leicester LE4 PD
Darshan: 3pm to 3:30pm
Date of Funeral: 9th December 2024, at 3:30pm, Great Glen Crematorium,9 London Road, Great Great Glen,Leicester LE8 9DJ
Live Stream Online: Website: https://watch.obitus.com
Username: riye4421
Password: 384289
Further Information: No beswanu at home. No flowers at funeral once confirmed.
Our condolences to Tailor family.
Aum Namah Shivaya
Aum Namah Shivaya
Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti