The passing of Mrs Indira N Topiwala
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mrs Indiraben Navinbhai Topiwala of Leicester, UK.
Indiraben was born in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe on 24th April 1952.
She passed away peacefully at her home on Friday 30th June 2023 at the age of 71.
Indiraben leaves behind:
Husband Mr Navinbhai Narrothambhai Topiwala
Son & Daughter-in-law Jitin and Krupa Topiwala
Daughter & Son-in-law Moshmi and Amit Sharma
Kheisha and Haiden Topiwala
Kiyanna and Keiron Sharma
The family have requested that regrettably there will be no Beswanu except for close family only at our residence: (Thank-you for your understanding)
Shanti Prathna:
Shanti Prathna will take place on Saturday 1st July 2023 at:
Darji Community Hall, Vicarage Ln, Belgrave, Leicester LE4 5PD between 3-4pm.
Funeral Details:
Funeral will held on:
Date : Thursday 6th July 2023
Time : Darshan from 10.00 am,
Service at 10.30 am.
At : Great Glen Crematorium,
9 London Road, Great Glen,
Leicester LE8 9DJ.
An Online Webcast of the funeral prroceeding from 10.30 am,
Link : https://watch.obitus.com
Username: yiwi9805
Password: 495832
Our condolences to Topiwala family.